Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Learning About Wellness from David Mochel

Today was our February professional development day at school, and David Mochel (@ApplyAttention) was our presenter on”Mindful Self-Regulation – The Practice of Wellbeing & Lifelong Learning.” David’s TEDx talk from 2016, “What Are You Practicing Right Now?” is excellent and overlapped quite a bit with messages he shared with our faculty and staff this morning and afternoon.

As I’m now generally accustomed to do, I shared tweets on my main main professional Twitter channel (@wfryer) during the presentation today as David shared recommended books or made compelling points. This evening I created my first “Twitter Moment” with those tweets, which is very similar to a Storify archive. (Sadly, Storify has gone offline and is going to delete all old archives in May 2018.)

Check out some of my takeaways from today’s PD workshop with David in the Twitter moment I’ve embedded below. These themes of wellness, self-regulation and well being are SO important, and I found the messages both valuable and helpful today.



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