Tag: atlis

  • Curated ATLIS 2022 Learning

    Last week I had a fantastic opportunity to both attend and present at the 2022 “Association of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools” (ATLIS) Conference in Orlando, Florida. My presentation was titled, “Teaching about Conspiracy Theories and Media Literacy.” Afterwards I curated 100 of my tweets from the conference which include resource links, quotations from speakers,…

  • Innovating in the Fast Lane: The Role for Technology Leaders in the Coming Decade

    These are my notes, tweets and re-tweets from Donna Orem’s opening keynote at the 2018 ATLIS Conference in Washington D.C. The title of her keynote was “Innovating in the Fast Lane: The Role for Technology Leaders in the Coming Decade.” Donna is the President of the National Association of Independent Schools. The description of her keynote was: Accelerated…

  • Podcast452: Classroom Wireless Projection Options, Coding, Toy Hacking, CyberSecurity & More from ATLIS 2017

    This podcast features an extended reflection by Dr. Wesley Fryer on the multitude of educational technology learning nuggets he gleaned from sessions shared at the ATLIS 2017 Conference in Burbank, California, April 23-26, 2017. All of Wes’ shared notes from keynotes, workshops and sessions at ATLIS 2017 are available in a shared Google Drive folder…