Tag: audio

  • Priceless Media Hostages

    Priceless Media Hostages

    This evening I looked through an old box of media tapes and CDs which managed to survive our 1000+ mile move from Oklahoma to North Carolina two years ago. There are some priceless artifacts here. Basically all the Digital 8 and MiniDV video tapes which I recorded of our kids and family growing up are…

  • Rediscovering 10 Year Old Deleted Podcast Files

    Have you ever discovered an old shoebox of family photos? That experience can feel like striking gold, from the perspective of preserving precious family memories. This was my experience tonight, discovering that many (maybe all) of my iPhone audio recordings from 10+ years ago on the (now defunct / offline) website cinch.fm were backed up…

  • Sharing Audio From Videos During a Videoconference

    If you’re finding yourself teaching and learning in videoconferences these days (and with the COVID-19 pandemic closing schools worldwide and moving many schools online, like ours, that’s most of us in education) it can be very helpful to be able to play live video WITH NATIVE / line feed audio from YouTube or other sites…

  • Synchronizing Lecture Audio to Slides for YouTube

    Today I taught a 50 minute lesson on BioEthics and recorded the audio from my presentation using my wife’s iPhone and the free app, “Voice Record Pro.” I wanted to slightly edit the audio to remove 3 minutes of “empty” turn / pair / share time in the lesson, improve the quality of my audio…

  • Normalizing Audio in an iPad Paper Slide Video with Auphonic

    Last week Shelly Fryer‘s (@sfryer) 3rd and 4th grade students created an excellent paper slide video to culminate three weeks of classroom study about bats. In this post, I’ll explain how I helped Shelly “normalize” the recorded audio of her students (so even the quietest students are loud enough to be clearly understandable in the…

  • Classroom Creativity: The Longer Path to Success

    Today our school hosted a “Conference on Education” led and facilitated primarily by our own faculty. In addition to providing AV support for the keynote and breakout sessions, I co-presented a session with Megan Thompson, our lower school art teacher. The title of our session was, “Classroom Creativity: The Longer Path to Success.” Megan and I…

  • Workflow Publishing 30 Normalized Conference Audio Recordings

    I spent most of the day today editing, normalizing, uploading and publishing 30 conference audio recordings from the October 23-24, 2015, Write Well, Sell Well Conference for Writers in Oklahoma City. This is something that’s been hanging over my head for the two months since the conference ended, so I’m very glad to have this…

  • Comparing Podcast Audio Normalization Options

    When you record audio during a conference presentation or other event, the volume levels of your recording can vary when presenters move or are located at different distances from the recording device when they speak. If a final audio podcast is not normalized after this happens, it can be frustrating to listen when audio levels get quiet…

  • Student iPad Radio Shows Shared on YouTube

    I am a big fan of students recording audio to “show what they know with media.” Video projects can also be great, but there are more moving parts to video projects. Greater complexity means not only more technical challenges, but also more possibilities for distraction. Video projects also take longer. Audio projects can be quick…

  • Advice for Church Digital Oral History Projects

    A friend emailed me some questions about a digital oral history project she’s wanting to start at her church, and I’m posting my response to her below in case this is of interest to others. Someone else recommended she use a video camcorder with an external lapel microphone for the project. My advice is to…