Tag: multimedia
Share Podcast Excerpts using Audacity, iMovie and Google Slides
Today I taught a lesson in which I shared a 4.5 minute excerpt of an amazing 55 minute NASA podcast, featuring an April 2019 interview with Dr. Harrison Schmitt, the Apollo 17 lunar module pilot and the only geologist to walk on the Moon to date! In this post, I’ll share my workflow and steps…
Web-based Video Editing with WeVideo (Including Green Screen)
Documenting and sharing your learning is essential and should be a regular part of the classroom lesson cycle. (Design – Create – Share – @digishare) Video is a powerful narrative media, and is featured prominently in the “Show with Media” digital literacy framework: As narrated slideshow/screencast projects, green screen videos, quick edit videos, and digital…
Show What You Know with Media (Feb 2015)
Updated 2/20/2015: An audio recording of my keynote is available as a YouTube video. These are my slides for my opening keynote at the February 16, 2015, “Little Apple Tech Fest” in Manhattan, Kansas, for teachers in USD 383 Manhattan/Ogden Schools. The keynote description is: Media products created by students can provide a clearer, deeper…
Introducing the PlayingWithMedia.com Video Library
For at least the past year I’ve been wanting to create a space online where I can teach and share video-based lessons about a variety of different media apps, websites, and sharing techniques. I’d considered creating something like “Speed of Creativity University,” but my wife thought that sounded too formal. Two weeks ago at the Write…
Show What You Know with Media
I’m sharing a presentation on Thursday at the Miami Device” conference titled, “Help Students Show What They Know with Media.” My “Mapping Media to the Curriculum” website and eBook series are the primary referenced resource. Here are my slides: The official description of the session is: Tablets, smartphones and computers should not be used by students just…
Mapping Media Vol 1 Chapters Available as Separate eBooks
I’m pleased to announce individual chapters of ‘Mapping Media to the Common Core: Volume I” are available as separate eBooks for $2.99 each on Amazon.com. I’ve updated the book/eBook descriptions on the “About” page of the Mapping Media website. Whether you are a current teacher, a pre-service teacher, or an instructor/professor teaching educational technology courses, the availability…
Creating Multimedia eBooks (July 2014)
These are my slides, shared as a Google Presentation, for Tuesday’s EdTechTeacher 2014 Summit session, “Creating Multimedia eBooks.” While I’ve presented much of this content previously in different conference, workshop, and other PD venues, this is a “new remix” of these ideas in a longer slide deck. Additional links are available on the Google Site…