Tag: teaching
Packet Defender 1.0
Today was the first day of our spring semester, and I’m teaching middle school web design again. As part of our introductory class, we watched the video, “The Internet: IP Addresses & DNS” from Code.org and then played a Kahoot I made with AI about it, using the video transcript. As we learn to create…
TIP Teachers: Jan 2025
This evening I was able to join the monthly evening Zoom meeting of TIP Teachers, which is “Teachers for an Informed Public” in the state of Washington. As usual, a wealth of helpful media literacy resources were shared in the session, and I’ll attempt to highlight several of them in this post. First of all,…
Remembering Emergency Remote Learning (April 2020)
Were you teaching during the COVID-19 lock downs in April and May 2020? My wife and I were. This week a colleague asked me to find some photos we took at the time of Shelly teaching her third graders at Casady School online from our house in The Village in Oklahoma City, and I found…
Daily Dedication, Check-In Question, and Selfie-Bingo
One of the things I love about teaching at an independent school is the opportunity to have “advisory time.” At my North Carolina school, I’m a seventh grade advisor again this year, and we have an hour after lunch for advisory every third school day. Today was our third advisory meeting of the year, and…
15 Things I Love About My Classroom (and teaching situation!)
I’ve been teaching and working in education since 1995. The past 3 years, as I’ve served as a media literacy teacher, instructional coach for our teachers, and (last year) an introductory Spanish teacher have been some of my best ever. Yesterday afternoon and evening, I recorded and edited a 17 minute video I titled, “15…
2003 K-12 Classroom Technology Integration: Pre-YouTube and Pre-Smartphone
This week I’ve been working on a Family Media Timeline project, using the amazing (and free) Timeline Tool from the Knight Foundation (@knightfdn) to create an interactive website our family and friends can use to browse through iMovies and Flickr photo albums dating back to 2000, right after iMovie was first released by Apple. In…
Teachers as Prophets: The Power to “PROF-a-sigh” Into Students’ Futures
As a teacher, you may have not considered yourself to be a “prophet.” When we recognize, call out, and encourage special and unique giftedness in our students, however, I believe we can act as prophets in their lives. The verb “prophesy” (pronounced “PROF-a-sigh”) means “to predict something.” Have you ever recognized one of your students…