Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

1:1 Laptop Hopes Dashed in Georgia, Lifted up in Maine

This post from Tim Tyson on August 2nd appears to confirm my worst fears about the 1:1 laptop initiative in Cobb County, Georgia have been realized. 🙁

On the bright side, I took time today in the car to listen to Bob Sprankle’s Bit by Bit podcast from July 13th, which included a speech by former Maine governor Angus King about our nation’s dire need for 21st Century learning as embodied in the Maine Technology Learning Initiative. His quotations from Friedman’s book “The World is Flat” were timely and right on target. I had previously read a fair bit about former Governor King but had never heard his voice. What a great impression he makes!

I hope the voters of Maine will be more forward looking than the voters and administrative leaders of Cobb County, Georgia, when it comes to 1:1 learning initiatives.

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On this day..



