Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

$100 to talk to the world

Bud the Teacher reflected on the Worldbridges podcast for December 4th how amazing it is that by paying $100 (the webhosting cost for his blog, I think) he is able to regularly communicate with a global audience via his blog and podcast. I couldn’t agree more. Of course money is really not required at all if you use a free blogging service like blogger or edublogs— just somewhere that you can access the Internet.

That podcast, as well as Bob Sprankle’s Bit by Bit podcast from December 1st of his presentation at the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference last week called Podcasting with Purpose, is also well worth checking out. Bob provides a lot of background information about how he and his partner teacher are using blogs and podcasts to help the students in their charge develop better communication and literacy skills on a daily basis. The development of 21st century literacy skills… isn’t that something all teachers should be passionate about?

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On this day..



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