Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Recommended resources for a new school librarian

Angie Shaw is a new school librarian in Gering, Nebraska, and was formerly a 3rd grade teacher. Gering is in the extreme western side of the Nebraska panhandle. I learned about Angie from the post “I Met Myself Today” last week by Beth Still (Nebraska Change Agent.) I left the following message for Angie on her blog, and thought these resources might be of interest to other school librarians!


Good luck getting acclimated! I’m sure you’re going to make the transition with flying colors. I’m excited for you and your new job challenges as well as opportunities!

A couple librarian-related resources that may be of interest to you…

The Flickr group Libraries and Librarians is a great place to network with other librarians all over the world. These aren’t just school librarians– I learned about this at the Hawaii Library Association’s conference in 2006:

The K12Online08 preso “Beyond the Stacks: Using Emerging Technologies to Strengthen Teacher-librarian Leadership” might be of interest to you in your new role:

The collaborative VoiceThread project “great book stories” may be a super place for your students and teachers to start collaborating. Think of these as 21st century, interactive book reports:

Last of all, if you’re not already definitely subscribe to Joyce Valenza‘s blog! She’s one of the most innovative school librarians I know!

Best of luck!


I also added a follow-up link to Google Lit Trips!

What other resources or links would you share with a new school librarian? What collaboration suggestions would you offer for a librarian wanting to help teachers and students create, communicate, and collaborate throughout the school year?

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