Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Enabling YouTube Comment Moderation (Screenr Screencast Tutorial)

I recorded a brief 3 minute and 16 second screencast tutorial this evening using Screenr describing how to enable comment moderation on a YouTube video. Refer to my post from September 2009, “Criteria for moderating comments on a viral video,” for background on why enabling comment moderation is always a good idea. Also see the post “Remember to turn YouTube channel comment moderation ON” from October for more guidance and instructions.

I recorded this free Screenr screencast using Google Chrome, with Java installed, on a Dell Mini10 netbook running Windows Premium Home Edition. The built-in microphone on the netbook did pretty good, I think! This was blogged with Windows Live Writer, free software available with other software as “Windows Live Essentials.” As an offline blog post editor it’s not as good as Mars Edit or Ecto, but it’s decent and it’s free! More links to other free Windows7 programs I’ve installed on my netbook are available. (Along with my Mac and iPhone software too!)

I’ll be addressing screencasting (including the use of Screenr) in my T4T class at UCO this spring on our February 24th meeting. My online curriculum for that course will be completed by mid-week next week when we start class!



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