Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Quickstart guides for Posterous and iPadio

Tomorrow our initial three days of the “Oklahoma Creativity Institute” for fifty K-12 teachers starts in Oklahoma City. I’m VERY enthused to be co-facilitating this with Tammy Parks, thanks to the hard work of an entire team including staff at Oklahoma A+ Schools. I’ve created two new handouts for the Institute which you’re free to utilize and share as desired. These are:

  1. QuickStart Guide to Posterous
  2. Quickstart Guide to iPadio

If you’re not familiar with and currently using both Posterous and iPadio, scan these quickstart guides to get started! These are both fantastic, FREE web services and currently my two favorite ways to share rich media content online!

All the Quickstart guides we’ll use in our workshop are available on our handouts wiki page. These include handouts for Audacity, iMovie, portable digital audio recorders, media project planning, a digital storytelling map, PhotoStory3, Using Compfight to save copyright-friendly images, and Google Maps. Many of these were created as handouts for the Celebrate Oklahoma Voices project.

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