Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Learning about AudioBoo from a 1st Grader at College

Today I had the wonderful privilege of providing my seven year old daughter with her first experience attending a college class at The University of North Texas. Perhaps even more exciting than attending and teaching in class together were the experiences of riding the shuttle bus to and from main campus, seeing all the students and how big the school is, and eating together at the student union after class was over!

Rachel at UNT

I’m teaching the fifteen week course, “Computers in the Classroom” for 24 undergraduate pre-service teachers at UNT this fall. Because of an upcoming trip to Michigan, today was the only day I’m teaching at UNT this week face-to-face, so it provided a good opportunity for Rachel to miss one day of her own 1st grade class and not only visit a new college campus but also help her dad teach elementary teachers-to-be about voice recording solutions like AudioBoo.

If you’re interested, you can check out the full 81 minute recorded audio lecturecast of our class today, but since Rachel’s part is the most interesting I edited her sharing time into a single, 14 minute file which I uploaded to iPadio:

We played the AudioBoo, “Rachel lost her 3rd tooth!” from seven months ago as an example in class, and then Rachel recorded “live” for the class a short reflection, “Why I like Antlers Forever.” Antlers Forever is a wonderful picture book I purchased last October when I was in Maine for the ACTEM conference.


Rachel also discussed her recently-created webshow, “The Zebra Print,” which she is co-producing with her 10 year old sister. We showed an episode Rachel recorded by herself in June at the Oklahoma City Zoo, and she discussed both how the webshow got started (she and her sister were inspired by iCarly) and how they make the shows.

After our initial “appshare” and video sharing discussions in class, we had four student presentations following the Pecha Kucha model. One student presented about her trip to Disneyland, and another about her family’s July vacation to Harry Potter at Universal Orlando. That REALLY kept Rachel’s attention! Hopefully my students benefited seeing a seven year old “in action” showing how she creates and shares digital media using tools like AudioBoo. I think it’s also great for Rachel’s confidence and public speaking abilities to be able to help me teach in situations like this. It certainly was wonderful to share in her excitement “going to college” and experiencing in person “how the big kids learn.”

Rachel at the Discovery Park bus stop at UNT

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On this day..




