Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Connecting Students and Countries: London to Oklahoma with PopUpSchool #cwf2010 #popupschool

Today at the Creativity World Forum in Oklahoma City I had an opportunity to interview two of the students involved in the London 2 Oklahoma Creative Collaboration project and PopUpSchool. These students will be among many involved tomorrow in Tuesday’s opening session at the conference. More information about the project is available on Follow the project on Twitter on @London2Oklahoma. According to the PopUpSchool Magazine website:

The internet has enabled us all to learn anytime, anywhere (as long as we can get online). How long will it be before schools are more like events than buildings? We decided that we would try to create a #popupschool at the Creativity World Forum. We have gathered together students from the UK and USA to collaborate on creating, running, managing and, most importantly, leading the #popupschool in collaboration with the conference delegates. Our aim is to create a variety of challenges together over the two days and to publish what we have learned together on this website.

We think that there ought to be a less distinct line separating students and teachers. We should all be learners after all. Perhaps the word teacher should be changed to professional learner? If we can learn on our own, at home, online, any time of the day or night, why would we choose to come into school? We’re not against schools. We all attend great schools. But we wonder whether schools are always the best places to learn something. Shouldn’t young people be given credit for all the things they learn and the skills they acquire outside school? Why are they not part of our assessments in school?

This 68 second trailer video, including footage from today at the Creativity World Forum in Oklahoma City, will give you a taste of the focus and spirit of PopUpSchool.

#popupschool – a remarkable story from Jon Nicholls on Vimeo.

Students participating in PopUpSchool at the Creativity World Forum would LOVE your feedback on a survey they’ve created about what you’ve learned (and are learning) at the Creativity World Forum.

Here’s my two minute interview video from today with Joseph (a student from Howe, Oklahoma) and Chenai (a student from London, England.)

Follow these ongoing conversations using the Twitter tag #popupschool!

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