Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Socioclean Can Help Clean Up Your Digital Footprint

Socioclean is a web application (currently free) which will scan all your Facebook tagged photos and public status/wall posts for anything which might be inappropiate and therefore damaging to your professional digital footprint. I was quite surprised my Facebook page initially earned a “C” on the site, but I got my grade changed to an “A” after identifying the suspected offending words as innocuous.

To use Socioclean you’ll need to create an account, verify your email by clicking the link they send you, and authorize the site to access your Facebook profile. In addition, you’ll be asked to grant the site legal access to your children’s inheritance at a time of the site owner’s choosing. (OK, this last requirement is a joke, but everyone SHOULD be very wary of granting permission to Facebook apps these days.)

After you log into the site it will scan your Facebook profile and show you categorized results, including links you can click to make deletions or changes as appropriate.

It turns out the use of our late golden retriever’s name, Bailey, was flagged repeatedly by Socioclean as a suspected alcohol reference. Use of the words stroke, blow, and crack on different status updates were also marked as suspicious sexual references.

After telling the site to ignore these word use instances, since none were actually objectionable, my grade became an “A!”

Consider sitting down with your own teenage child and running the report on their Facebook profile. The results may be surprising to you both. Run it on your profile and consider sharing this resource with students as well as parents. Be sure, however, to explain it is important to verify a site / source is trustworthy before granting a Facebook app access to your profile. The consequences of deciding poorly when it comes to granting access to your Facebook profile can also be high.

Hat tip to Mashable.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Image composites created with Diptic.







4 responses to “Socioclean Can Help Clean Up Your Digital Footprint”

  1. Jacob Gonyea Avatar
    Jacob Gonyea

    This web application, while supposedly great, seems like “big brother” is watching over you so you’re not affected by your negative actions on facebook. The difficulty of trying to be squeaky clean in every aspect of your social life is a little preposterous, but seems like the norm in today’s so-called politically correct form of society.

  2. Leslie Avatar

    Gave it a try on FB and got an A, then after looking around the site a bit, I noticed it was an F.  I ticked ‘ignore’ to words like ‘rum balls’ and pulling ‘weeds’ in the garden, etc. but it stayed an F.  Now I have a bad grade. 🙁