The clearest message communicated by the Microsoft Store in Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego seems to be: Redmond wants to offer shopping experiences like Cupertino.

Remember days in the not-so-distant past when Windows-based laptops for sale by franchises like Office Depot and Best Buy were not connected to the Internet? That’s not the case at this Microsoft store. Lots of online laptops are organized by size and platform type, with stools inviting customers to take each one for an online spin.

I briefly tried an ExoPC tablet running Windows7. I didn’t find the keyboard as intuitive and easy to use as the iOS interface on my iPad, but it’s good to see Microsoft trying to give Apple a run for their money.

Microsoft Stores even have their own version of Apple’s Genius Bars, called “Answers.” No cool “Answer Guru” shirts by employees, though. I don’t know if they have an online signup for appointments or not.

Apple is not only successful with great products, it has also created a great shopping experience which invites customers to play and linger. Microsoft is trying to follow suit, and based on what I saw today in San Diego it looks like they are doing good so far. I was surprised to see they also sell Kindles.

According to the employee I asked today, this is the third Microsoft Store worldwide out of seven.

No word yet if we’ll be getting one in Oklahoma anytime soon. 🙂
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
One response to “Microsoft Copying Apple Store Experience”
I agree, the employees at my local Apple store (about 300 yards from my house as the crow flies, but 2 miles to drive to) are obviously well trained in being accessible and in your face as you walk in, but will leave you alone when you obviously just want to play and muck around.