Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast376: Reflections on the 2011 Intellectual Warrior’s Conference

This podcast is a reflection from the road by Wesley Fryer following the morning sessions of the 2011 Intellectual Warrior’s Conference held at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, on April 12th. Refer to the podcast shownotes for links to Wesley’s presentation slides (on SlideShare) for his opening address, “Effective Uses of Educational Technology: Blended, Continuous Learning in the 21st Century Military” as well as text notes from other morning presenters.

Show Notes:

  1. Effective Uses of Educational Technology: Blended, Continuous Learning in the 21st Century Military (Slides on SlideShare)
  2. Tony Wagner discussing learning at the 2011 Intellectual Warrior’s Conference
  3. Military Development at West Point by Col Casey Haskins
  4. Application of OBTE Principles by Randal Wickman
  5. US Army Moving to Embrace iPhones, iPads, and Blended Learning (28 March 2011)
  6. US Army Deploying iPhones (15 Dec 2010)
  7. Army Learning Concept 2015 (YouTube)
  8. The U.S. Army Learning Concept for 2015 (72 page PDF report)

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