Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Learn with Bill Nye the Science Guy in Memphis June 15-16! #micon11

If you are anywhere CLOSE to Memphis, Tennessee, or you have available professional development funds from your school that will cover the travel, make plans to attend the 2011 Martin Institute Summer Conference. It will feature Bill Nye, the Science Guy as the keynote speaker!

The Martin Institute for Teaching Excellence

The theme for this year’s conference is “Teaching for Tomorrow,” with an emphasis on 21st century skills. When I told my 10 year old daughter Bill Nye was the keynote speaker for this conference she almost flipped out… Especially when I quietly told her we couldn’t go! If I wasn’t presenting and sharing a keynote and workshop on iPads in Education for the summer 2011 TEPSA (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association) conference that week, I’d be in Memphis learning from Bill with other institute attendees!

In addition to Bill Nye, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam will also keynote the conference. Other featured speakers include Tom Barrett, an innovative primary school teacher from Nottingham, England; Carol Vukelich, an expert on early literacy; Viaja Wagle, a group leader at Harvard’s Project Zero Institute; and Tiffany Boyd, a consultant with Heinemann Publishing. Workshop presenters include Apple Distinguished and Google Certified teachers, university professors, district curriculum trainers, and administrators and teachers at high performing schools.

If you attend Martin Institute Summer Conference this year, be sure to share some links to your learning with the Twitter hash tag, #micon11!

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3 responses to “Learn with Bill Nye the Science Guy in Memphis June 15-16! #micon11”

  1. Philip Cummings Avatar

    Too bad you won’t be able to join us, Wes. You will definitely be missed, but I’ll try to share as much as I can via Twitter and my blogs. -Philip 

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Sounds great Philip, I’ll look for the tweets! Enjoy it! 🙂