Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Considering Audience and Purpose for Classroom Websites

Some of the elementary teachers at my school recently asked me to help them get started with classroom websites. I shared a Google Slide presentation with them on the topic, “Considering Audience and Purpose for Classroom Websites,” and discussed the specific pros and cons of using Seesaw (a digital portfolio platform and learning journal), Google Docs, “class pages” on our school website (powered by OnCampus/BlackBaud) and Google Sites. This evening, I recorded a 15 minute, synchronized, narrated slideshow using those slides, in case these ideas are of interest or helpful to others.

Please share a comment below or reach out on Twitter @wfryer if you have feedback for any of the suggestions and ideas I offer here. On related themes, you also might find my April 2017 post and narrated screencast, “Comparing Sharing Spaces: Google Classroom and SeeSaw” helpful as well. I created both narrated slideshows by:

  1. Opening a PDF copy of my Google Slides on my iPad in the Explain Everything app
  2. Adding audio narration in Explain Everything
  3. Exporting the final video to my iPad camera roll
  4. Uploading the video to YouTube using the iPad YouTube app

My February 2015 presentation resource page for “Classroom Home Base Websites” may also be helpful to you on these topics.

Considering Audience and Purpose for Cla by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Considering Audience and Purpose for Classroom Websites” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer
