Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

10 Things I Learned Visiting Egypt

Last Wednesday about 8 members of our school faculty and staff spent the morning at the Innovation Hub at the University of Oklahoma (@ouinnovationhub). Last Saturday morning I reflected on five things I learned from that “mini-retreat.”  In this post, I’m going to share slides from a short presentation I gave at the retreat, as well as a narrated slideshow recording I created as a “practice run” the evening before. My presentation summarized 10 things I learned visiting Egypt in November for the 2017 EduForum Conference. Those ideas are included in this Google Slideshow. Some of these lessons learned and tips were the same as those I shared in this November 20th post right after I returned from Egypt, but a few of them were modified / different. In order, they are (with related and included resource links):

  1. Limit Personal Digital Data While Traveling (Digital Privacy at the U.S. Border: Protecting the Data On Your Devices and In the Cloud  by @EFF)
  2. A $146 Android Phone is pretty capable (Motorola E4 Plus smartphone)
  3. 2 Factor Authentication Options (Authy)
  4. Chromebook = Outstanding Travel Laptop (11″ Dell Chromebook with 4 GB RAM)
  5. ProHDR = Great photo app for iOS & Android
  6. What Personal Information Do You Want Private? (for me: Contacts, Past personal emails, Past personal calendar, financial / family data)
  7. Android Phone Video Editing Apps: Quik (from GoPro) and Adobe Premier Clip
  8. What’s App is Amazing
  9. Passion for student voice is transnational and can be communicate despite language and cultural barriers (#Room108 Students Respond: “I Have a Dream…” – short version)
  10. Democracy is young, fragile, and depends upon institutions (including political parties) to succeed

Here’s the narrated slideshow / video version, which is 13.5 minutes long.

Finally, here are the slides, which include the same links as above but with some related images. I opened this Google Slide Presentation in the iPad App Explain Everything (Classic) to create the previous narrated slideshow video.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback on these lessons learned and resources, I’d love to hear from you. Please reach out on Twitter to me @wfryer, or leave a comment below.

10 Things I Learned Visiting Egypt by @w by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
10 Things I Learned Visiting Egypt by @wfryer” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer



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