Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

The Technology Correction and Section 230 Liability Protection

“The Technology Correction” is something Jason Neiffer (@techsaavyteach) and I talk about frequently on our weekly webshow and podcast, “The EdTech Situation Room” (@edtechSR). This is a term Jason coined for the forthcoming regulation of our powerful technology companies built on the “surveillance capitalism” economic model, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others. Like the GDPR (“General Data Protection Regulation”) in Europe, which supports consumer privacy and regulates the behavior of companies around consumer data, multiple bills have been proposed in the U.S. Congress to support similar regulatory goals. In last week’s EdTech Situation Room show (Episode 229) I shared as my closing “Geek of the Week” the 1.5 minute animated music video, “Section 230 Song With Lyrics – The Good Fight” on “The Engineer’s Perspective” YouTube channel. Check it out, it’s exceptionally clever and does a great job summarizing many of the issues involved in these battles over data privacy and corporate regulation.

To learn more about “the technology correction” and section 230, I highly recommend the Tech Policy Press podcast episode from August 16, 2021, “Holding Tech Accountable: An interview with Roger McNamee.”

Thanks to Dr. Rene Hobbs, Media Literacy guru, for sharing this video about section 230 on Twitter!

Kara Swisher’s June 17, 2021, podcast episode on Sway, “Is This the Big Tech Breakup We’ve Been Waiting For?” is also excellent to learn more about these issues.

Thanks to Dr. Renee Hobbs, media literacy guru, for sharing this video about section 230 on Twitter!



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