Author: Sherman Nicodemus
Download Large AudioBooks from Audible Over 3G on an iPhone
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. AT&T currently puts limits on the sizes of files iPhone apps can download over a 3G or slower cell phone connection in the United States, prompting users to connect to wifi and try again. It’s possible to circumvent this limitation and download larger files once you’ve…
Block Text Messages / SMS Spam and Phone Calls on Your iPhone
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. My teenage daughter recently started receiving annoying text messages on her iPhone from another student at her school. This isn’t a case of bullying: Apparently this particular student likes to send “group SMS messages” like some folks send spam email. In this post I’ll describe how…
iBooks Not Working on Jailbroken iPhones: Here’s the Fix
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. If you have a jailbroken iPhone or other iOS device, you may have noticed the iBooks application was “broken” with the latest 5.0.1 jailbreak software. Other bloggers have noted this isn’t new: Apple intentionally broke iBooks for jailbreakers using the 4.2.1 exploit in 2011. Before you say,…
Avoiding AT&T’s Ridiculous iPhone Data Fees by Switching to T-Mobile
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. The cost of activating an iPhone with AT&T is absolutely ridiculous. Since I have several kids, and eventually want all of them to be able to use smartphones, this is a real concern for me. Our family wireless bill now exceeds a monthly car payment, and…
How to use your iPad and iPhone / iPad Touch with an External Display / Projector
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. I wrote a series of posts in March 2010 on “Moving at the Speed of Creativity.” You can access those posts by searching for posts shared by me. If you have questions about this post I’ll be glad to answer them via comments here. iOS is…
Questionable Apple Behavior Regarding Original ACOT Research and Challenge Based Learning
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. This is my seventh post in a series this week on “Moving at the Speed of Creativity.” If you have questions about this post I’ll be glad to answer them via comments here. I’ve been wrestling with a question for months now, and perhaps you can…
Jailbroken or not, Google Voice is available on your iPhone
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. This is my sixth post in a series this week on “Moving at the Speed of Creativity.” If you have questions about this post I’ll be glad to answer them via comments here. Google Voice (GV) is a powerful and flexible telephony service which offers free…
Demonstrate iPhone / iPod Touch Applications with ScreenSplitr / DemoGod
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. This is my fifth post in a series this week on “Moving at the Speed of Creativity.” If you have questions about this post I’ll be glad to answer them via comments here. Demonstrations of iPhone and iPod Touch applications for groups can be awkward. The…
Install alternate operating systems and software on a netbook via a USB flash drive
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. This is my fourth post in a series this week on “Moving at the Speed of Creativity.” If you have questions about this post I’ll be glad to answer them via comments here. If you purchase a netbook computer, don’t simply use the pre-installed operating system…
What is a hackintosh?
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. This is my third post in a series this week on “Moving at the Speed of Creativity.” If you have questions about this post I’ll be glad to answer them via comments here. The word hackintosh (or Hackint0sh) is: …a portmanteau of the word “hack” and the…