Tag: auphonic

  • Audio Podcasting Workflows (August 2016)

    Audio podcasts are one of my favorite types of media products to create and share. While images and video clips used in narrated slideshow and quick edit video projects can significantly enhance engagement and learning for people watching and listening, those elements can also add significant time requirements as well as layers of complexity to…

  • Comparing Podcast Audio Normalization Options

    When you record audio during a conference presentation or other event, the volume levels of your recording can vary when presenters move or are located at different distances from the recording device when they speak. If a final audio podcast is not normalized after this happens, it can be frustrating to listen when audio levels get quiet…

  • Conference Podcast Recipe and Workflow

    Yesterday I assisted Sharon Abrams, a member of our church in Edmond, Oklahoma, with a one day “Autoimmune and Arthritis Seminar.” I made the coffee, provided AV support for the presenters, and made the four sessions of the day digitally available on a new website I named, “Health and Medical Podcasts.” This process involved capturing presenter sessions…