Tag: change
Polar Extremes on NOVA – Behold the Reality of Higher Carbon Dioxide Levels
Thanks to Mike Sharp, one of the members of our Sunday School class this year (“Curiosity and Questions: Jesus and Science”), I learned about the new NOVA PBS Special, “Polar Extremes.” Here’s a 3 minute preview of the full episode I watched tonight, which runs just under 2 hours long. I watched it on AppleTV…
#WhatIf My Ideas on School Reform Become Reality?
Thanks to Valerie Strauss’ post today on the #whatif Twitter meme responses to Arne Duncan, I realized something surprising and was encouraged to tweet some of the ideas for CONSTRUCTIVE education/school reform that have been marinating in my mind for many months. by stevegarfield First of all, when viewing the lively #whatif twitter stream, I saw…
Identity, Bias, Differences and Change
In his Velocity 2014 New York Ignite talk titled, “Unicorns and The Language of Otherness” Aneel Lakhani makes some thought provoking points about identity. At 4:04 of the video he states: We have to separate our identities, who we are and who we will be, from who we were, what we have done, and what we…
Change the Tagline of Your WordPress.com Website
This weekend I’ve seen two different WordPress.com sites with the default tagline, “Just another WordPress.com weblog.” This is the default tagline which WordPress.com uses for every new site when it’s created. The tagline of your WordPress.com site is displayed by most WordPress themes in the header section of your blog. It’s like a byline. It’s…
Unplugging from the Commercial Software Grid: Open Source is not Three Guys in a Shed Anymore.
Since Wes called me Oklahoma’s “Open Source Yoda turned Wyoming Cowboy”in a recent post and has given me the opportunity to write while he is away I thought I would hit on one of my favorite topics for my final post, Open Source Software (OSS). Please let it be noted that Yoda probably has more…
Perspective: The Real Challenge Facing IT in Education #fail-learn
Thanks Wes Fryer for letting me write for you while you are out of pocket. My name is Kent Brooks and I write a little on my own I was Just Thinking Site. Although I am a tiny blogging acorn compared to the giant blogging oak Mr Fryer is to all of us, it is…
Podcast379: Discussing Education Reform & High Stakes Testing in Oklahoma on the Studio46 Podcast
This podcast includes a twenty-three minute excerpt of the Studio46 Podcast from May 13, 2011, published by the Edmond Sun newspaper and Oklahoma Christian University. Dr. Brian Bush, Executive Director of Oklahoma Christian’s Academy of Leadership & Liberty in Edmond, is the host of the Studio46 podcast and interviewed Wesley Fryer for the final portion…
Podcast348: Reflections on Technology Classes for PreService Education Teachers (Part 1)
This podcast is a recording of a conversation over skype on May 14, 2010, with Dean Mantz in Sterling, Kansas, Dean Shareski in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Cyndi Danner-Kuhn in Manhattan, Kansas, and Wesley Fryer in Edmond, Oklahoma. For the past several years, each participant has taught pre-service technology classes for undergraduate college students. In this conversation…
Welcome to OLD School Assignment Turn In
The following photographs could likely be taken at almost any College of Education today in the United States. I’m not sharing this to be harshly critical of the current institution for which I am teaching as an adjunct instructor: Rather I’m sharing these images because they reflect the assessment status quo for many professors / instructors…