Tag: politics

  • Using 8 Bit Games and Humor to Present Serious Political Messages

    The website and political game project “GOP Arcade” (@GOParcade) offers telling insights into not only the issues of the 2016 election in the United States, but also the ways media and gaming can be used to influence voters and communicate serious political messages. The site features 8 bit online games (that means they have very…

  • Communicating with Elected State Representatives via Social Media

    This morning after our church service, I recorded and shared four videos on YouTube and Twitter relating to our current budget crisis in the Oklahoma legislature. In the first video, “A Transformed Political Culture in Oklahoma,” I encouraged other Oklahomans to: Use a smartphone to record short videos for elected officials, sharing an opinion and specific…

  • A Transformed Political Culture in Oklahoma #transformOK #OklaEd

    In Oklahoma, our elected officials need our support to pass legislation which will change our tax code and provide adequate funding not only for our public schools but also for a variety of important social services. Our legislative session is almost over, and legislators have not taken steps to address the budget shortfall for next year…

  • In Oklahoma Education, We Have to Stop Pretending

    Scott McLeod (@mcleod) has thrown down the gauntlet: What are five things we need to stop pretending about in education? We have to stop pretending… http://t.co/jhU5rnYkXl cc @gcouros @smartinez @wfryer @coolcatteacher @web20classroom #edchat #edtech #cpchat — Scott McLeod (@mcleod) April 13, 2015 Here’s my list. When it comes to education, we have to stop pretending… We…

  • #WhatIf My Ideas on School Reform Become Reality?

    Thanks to Valerie Strauss’ post today on the #whatif Twitter meme responses to Arne Duncan, I realized something surprising and was encouraged to tweet some of the ideas for CONSTRUCTIVE education/school reform that have been marinating in my mind for many months.    by  stevegarfield  First of all, when viewing the lively #whatif twitter stream, I saw…

  • US debt and government borrowing must end now

    We must insist our political leaders in the US stop deficit spending NOW. This must happen immediately, and we must get on a debt payoff plan as a nation NOW. If we do not and we persist on our path of ever deepening indebtedness, the consequences will inevitably be catastrophic for our nation.We must insist…