Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

EdCampOKSDE Coming Tuesday July 7, 2015 to Oklahoma City

(cross-posted from

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend the next EdCamp event in Oklahoma: EdCampOKSDE the afternoon of Tuesday, July 7th! This will be part of the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s 3 day EngageOK conference, held at the Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City. Registration for the entire conference is free via EventBrite. EdCampOSDE will start at 12:30 pm on July 7th. It will include an app smackdown and three sessions, along with a closing session for prizes. The final schedule should be shared and posted soon. Please use the Twitter hashtag #edcampOKSDE to share the event amplify your learning around it! All upcoming and past Oklahoma EdCamp & PLAYDATE professional development events are listed on


Our EdCampOKC organizer team had a Google Hangout this morning to help plan the event with SDE staff.

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On this day..



