Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Privacy and credit in the information age

Some reflections on the excellent May 2005 Wired article, “The New Multiple Personality Disorder” by Gary Wolf. 

I agree heartily with Gary Wolf, that the credit companies which keep tabs on our economic behavior and generate reports about us for different folks with different agendas should act more like eBay. If some company releases a negative report about me / my credit-related behavior, they should let me know about it directly. If people are asking for my credit report for some reason, I should have a way of finding out about that– without being charged a fee or penalized in my credit rating because I am making the request in addition to others within a specified period of time.

As Wolf points out, as consumers and citizens we would likely regard the credit tracking industry with less suspicion and ill-will if they were actively trying to act in a neutral and transparent way, like eBay does when it comes to seller ratings by buyers. 

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On this day..



