Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Best free digital curriculum?

I have started a series of 10 workshops around the state of Oklahoma this week that focus on eRate as well as free sources of high quality digital curriculum. When it comes to free digital curriculum I don’t want to overwhelm people with too many choices (because certainly there are a huge number of options) but rather give them a sampling of some of the best. I am including web-based resources in all cases, with the exception of Google Earth. (I would put Google Earth in a category of “web-enabled software,” I think it is too powerful to leave out of this discussion.)

Are there other links you’d include in this top sampler of free digital curriculum? Do you know of sources for other engaging multimedia books like Roy: Tale of a Singing Zebra?







2 responses to “Best free digital curriculum?”

  1. Quentin D'Souza Avatar

    Hi Wes,

    You are right about having too many choices. When I do workshops with educators, I like to narrow down my list of links to the resources that I would consider essential. The problem is, what is useful to me is not always useful to my peers.

    In any case, here’s a few of my favourites: (Okay – I admit I signed up and don’t live in the UK, but that PD is way cool – a TV station for educators – who could resist) (instead of wikipedia, that way I could get in all the wikimedia projects in one link, especially the wikibooks) (and within here specifically – )

    Maybe for us Canucks eh! the CBC archives – Teacher Section and the regular archives

    I would have added but they started subscription services which turned me off.

  2. Quentin D'Souza Avatar

    Okay – Three More and That’s It

    You can see my Canadian bias 🙂 (Enter as a guest and the selection is still awesome – I suggest you look at Grade 6 – Math – The Spy Guys for an excellent example of all the resources here – )


    National Film Board of Canada – CineRoute - (over 600 NFB films streamed in their entirety) Lots of other great stuff from NFB too.
    Don’t forget: – Annenberg Media