Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Stopmotion Film Camp Starts Monday!

I’m looking forward to teaching and leading a week long fine arts camp starting Monday here in Edmond, Oklahoma, on stopmotion film making. I’m teaching this as a three hour class, Monday through Friday, at the Edmond Fine Arts Institute.

Stopmotion Film Making Starts Monday!

Last summer I taught this workshop at our church’s fine arts camp, but it was a little frustrating to just get to work with each class of students about 45 minutes per day. This summer, we’ll have three hours per day to work, so I’m expecting the experience to result in much deeper learning and (hopefully) even better quality videos.

This year we’ll again use Frames by Tech4Learning as our stopmotion software. I bought the Clay Animation Kit from Tech4Learning last summer, which includes great resources for making stopmotion videos in addition to the Frames software. I wish the Third Annual Constructivist Celebration @ NECC was taking place AFTER this camp, since I’m sure I’ll be inspired with new stopmotion filmmaking ideas during the event. None-the-less, I am REALLY looking forward to participating and learning during the “Celebration” this year as I’ve never been able to participate schedule-wise in this creative gathering!

I’ll be making lots of updates to our stopmotion workshop wiki page throughout the week. At this point it looks like we’ll just have eight participants, ages 9-12, and I’m going to have them work in pairs. I’m looking forward to this week of creative, digital fun and filmmaking!

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2 responses to “Stopmotion Film Camp Starts Monday!”

  1. Kevin Hodgson Avatar

    Good luck, Wes.
    Have you seen our collaborative Stopmotion Video site from this past year? Longfellow 10 — a mysterious youth video organization working with stopmotion. (heehee).
    We started with films around literary terms, moved into science and more (the last four are not stopmotion, but digital picture books my students made).
    We have three classes from around the US as part of the site.