Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Dreaming of iPad Presentation Apps for the classroom

When I was in Holland, Michigan, recently at Holland Christian Schools, one of the teachers (Dan Vos) shared his dream of an iPad application which combined the functions of Air Display, Air Sketch, and Mobile Mouse Pro. I’m not sure if that will be developed or not, but the way iOS app development is going I bet it will!

I posted a few weeks ago about “2Screens – Presentation Expert” and “2Screens Remote,” but still haven’t used them for an actual presentation. I’m eager to give Air Display, Air Sketch and Mobile Mouse Pro a try as well. I’ve purchased the 2Screens apps, but not the other three… yet!

This is a short video of Jim Peterson demonstrating how he is using Air Sketch on his iPad in his high school science classroom.

What are your favorite iPad apps currently, for classroom presentation use?

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6 responses to “Dreaming of iPad Presentation Apps for the classroom”

  1. Kathy Schrock Avatar

    I like using Keynote with the VGA connector for presenting. I just found out this week that if you create a presentation on the desktop computer with embedded videos, they actually are embedded when you move the presentation to the iPad. As per my tests, the embedded videos have to be .m4v or .mp4 files to play within the Keynote slide stack on the iPad.

  2. Jason Kreiling Avatar

    I am looking forward to the apps that are mentioned. I just ordered and Ipad.

  3. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    So glad to know that, Kathy! I hope to try an “iPad only” presentation soon, with Keynote videos. Is there a way to transfer videos to an ipad that doesn’t require syncing in iTunes? I use an external hard drive at home for my ipad synced iTunes library, so I need another way to get videos into my iPad’s “photos” when I’m on the road.

  4. Dan Stucke Avatar

    This looks great, spent some time getting Air Sketch working on our school network today – few proxy tweaks. Going to try it out in earnest tomorrow with some classes.

  5. Nick Noakes Avatar
    Nick Noakes

    Wes, have you compared the different options (Air Display, Air Sketch, Mobile Mouse Pro, 2Screens)?