Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Help the Oklahoma City CoWorking Collaborative Reboot!

For the past several years, I’ve been a member and beneficiary of the Oklahoma City Co-Working Collaborative. If you’re not familiar with the co-working model, you should definitely read up on it. It’s great, and a super way for creative professionals to network as well as work together. The okcCoCo is winding up a week of fundraising for a ‘reboot,’ which will involve a move to new digs in “Midtown” with more space and possibilities. Please consider donating to the cause! The goal is to raise $23,000 by Wed Feb 01 at 11:59PM PT. As of this post, $15,280 has been raised, so YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Visit to make a donation.

okcCoCo Reboot

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