Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast 438: Reflections on iCamp KSU 2016 by Shelly and Wesley Fryer

This podcast recording is a reflection by Shelly and Wesley Fryer about iCamp KSU 2016, a full day, hands-on workshop on integrating iPads in the classroom as tools for media creation by students to “show what they know with media.” iCamp KSU was held at the Kansas State University Alumni Center in Manhattan, Kansas, and hosted by the Kansas State College of Education. It was organized by Cyndi Danner-Kuhn, a pre-service teacher educator at Kansas State. In addition to Shelly and Wes’ reflections, this podcast includes five of the participant reflections shared as Adobe Voice videos. Direct links to these video reflections are included in the podcast shownotes, along with other referenced resources from the podcast. Access the complete agenda and resource list from the workshop on The podcast also includes the whole-class radio show created during the workshop using the free Opinion app for iOS.


  1. iCamp KSU 2016 Workshop Agenda Resources
  2. iCamp 2015 Apps
  3. Inside and Outside Digital Sharing (17 Jan 2016 post by Wesley Fryer)
  4. Marshmallow Challenge
  5. Alumni Center at Kansas State University
  6. College of Education at Kansas State University (@ksucollegeofed #WeAreEdCats)
  7. Cyndi Danner Kuhn (@cyndidannerkuhn)
  8. Post inspired by Ben Wilkoff‘s (@bhwilkoff) June 2015 session “Chromebooks for Learning: The Missing Guidebook.” – “Seven Indispensable Google Chrome Extensions
  9. Positive Tomorrows (@ptokc)
  10. iPad Media Camp (@iPadMediaCamp)
  11. Interested in hosting a video-facilitated 3 Day iPad Media Camp in summer 2016? Please submit this Google Form to receive more information!
  12. SeeSaw (@seesaw)
  13. STEMseeds Professional Development Camp
  14. Pic Collage for Kids iPad app (free)
  15. Voice Record Pro iPad app (free)
  16. Opinion iPad app (free)
  17. Adobe Voice (free)
  18. #iCampKSU (our Twitter hastag for iCamp KSU on January 15, 2016)
  19. News-O-Matic iPad app (free)
  20. Kids A-Z iPad app (free but requires subscription)
  21. myON Reader iPad app (free but requires subscription)
  22. Show What You Know with Media (@showwithmedia)
  23. Green Screen Video Resources by Wesley Fryer
  24. Canva: Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software
  25. Adobe Slate – Make your words and images move iPad app (free)
  26. Make Writing by Angela Stockman (@AngelaStockman)
  27. Flickr Photo Album of the Marshmallow Challenge
  28. Flickr Photo Album of Other Photos from iCamp KSU 2016
  29. i-Nigma QR Code Scanning iPad app (free)
  30. Shelly’s Classroom Radio Show / Podcast Created with Opinion: Room 108 Oklahoma City
  31. Halftone – Turn Photos Into Comics! ($2)
  32. iPadPalooza Conference: June 22-24, 2016
  33. News-O-Matic app (free version, paid school version also available for $6)
  34. Maker Studio in Shelly Fryer’s Classroom
  35. Green Screen by Do Ink iPad app ($3)
  36. Lego Movie Maker for iPad (free)
  37. Shelly Fryer’s Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  38. Shelly Fryer’s Professional Blog
  39. Shelly Fryer on Twitter: @sfryer
  40. Wesley Fryer’s blog: Moving at the Speed of Creativity
  41. Wesley Fryer on Twitter: @wfryer
  42. Audio from the following Adobe Voice videos is included in this podcast episode:
  43. Helping Students Create On iPad by Laurie Curtis
  44. How can we help students show what they know using media? by James Alberto
  45. How Can I Help Students Create On the iPad by Vicki Sherbert
  46. iCamp iPad 2016 by Marie Henderson
  47. Helping Students Show What They Know With Digital Media by Loni Kite

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Shelly Fryer teaching at KSU iCamp 2016 by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Shelly Fryer teaching at KSU iCamp 2016” (CC BY 2.0) by  Wesley Fryer

ICamp 2016 KSU by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
ICamp 2016 KSU” (CC BY 2.0) by  Wesley Fryer 


iPad iCamp 2016 by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
iPad iCamp 2016” (CC BY 2.0) by  Wesley Fryer 

All past “Moving at the Speed of Creativity” podcast episodes are archived, dating back to August 2005.



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