Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Comparing Sharing Spaces: Google Classroom and SeeSaw

Every classroom needs sharing spaces. In addition to physical, face-to-face sharing spaces (walls, a data projector or TV, hallways) our classrooms need DIGITAL sharing spaces. These spaces should support sharing both INSIDE and OUTSIDE the classroom. Understanding the benefits and limitations of different SHARING SPACES is important for teachers and educational leaders.

A couple months ago in February, my wife (@sfryer) and I started a new website to share digital learning workshop resources: Design, Create, Share ( I’ve been sharing presentation and workshop resources since 2010 on a Google Site for digital handouts (, but Shelly wanted a digital space besides her classroom website / Google Site / “home base website”  to share workshop resources. She has been presenting quite a few workshops for Oklahoma A+ Schools (@okaplus) on “Enriched Assessment with Technology” as well as workshops on STEM/STEAM Activities for Primary Students. The idea for a “Design, Create and Share” lesson cycle came out of thinking we did together last summer in preparation for iPad Media Camp workshops. This lesson cycle is included in the “iPad Media Camp Project and Activity Matrix” which we used last year, and I presented on at iPadPaloozaOU 2016.

In February, getting ready for a “Fishbowl Lesson” I taught at the Oakridge School (@oakridgeowls) in Arlington, Texas, during the “Lausanne Learning Institute Southwest Conference,” we created three different pages for the Design, Create, Share site:

  1. Get Connected (tips for using Twitter and Flipboard to build a personal learning network)
  2. QR Codes (a short presentation of QR Code Tips and Tricks)
  3. Sharing Spaces (a short presentation comparing Google Classroom and Seesaw)

This morning before school, I recorded a 10 minute narrated slideshow using those slides from February which I created for the Sharing Spaces page. I recorded this using the app “Explain Everything Classic” on my iPad. Hopefully this video will help you better understand the benefits as well as limitations of both Google Classroom and Seesaw, as well as the need we all have for digital sharing spaces in our classrooms!

If you have feedback on the ideas shared in this video, please reach out to me via Twitter (@wfryer) or with a comment below.

Sharing Spaces- Google Classroom & Seesa by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Sharing Spaces- Google Classroom & Seesa” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer


One response to “Comparing Sharing Spaces: Google Classroom and SeeSaw”

  1. Phil Taylor Avatar
    Phil Taylor

    FYI – you can a join Classroom with a personal account at this time. The ability to create a Classroom with a personal account is coming.