Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast473: Brainstorming About “Conspiracies and Culture Wars” with Brian Turnbaugh and Wesley Fryer

This podcast is a recording of a conversation between Brian Turnbaugh (@wegotwits) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussing a proposed workshop at the virtual version of the Summer Institute on Digital Literacy, coming to a screen near you July 19-24, 2020. The proposed title is, “Conspiracies and Culture Wars,” and the Google Doc of resources we have been building together is linked in the shownotes for this podcast and from This conversation took place on June 5, 2020, and was livestreamed to both YouTube Live and Facebook Live. Wes has also submitted this session as a proposal for the upcoming virtual “Mountain Moot” July 15-18, 2020. Check out the podcast shownotes for links to referenced resources. This project is very much a “work in progress” and will be refined and expanded in the days and weeks to come! We welcome your feedback.


  1. Google Doc in use brainstorming this project
  2. Video version on YouTube
  3. Brian Turnbaugh (@wegotwits)
  4. Wes Fryer @wfryer
  5. Summer Institute in Digital Literacy (virtual: July 19-24, 2020)
  6. Mountain Moot (virtual and free: July 15-17, 2020)
  7. Wes’ collected Media Literacy resources:
  8. Documentary: Merchants of Cool by Douglas Rushkoff (@rushkoff)
  9. Book: Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age by Douglas Rushkoff (@rushkoff)
  10. Podcast Episode: #112 The Prophet by Reply All (@replyall)
  11. Podcast Series: Rabbit Hole by @kevinroose
  12. Welcome to the ‘Rabbit Hole’ (New York Times, Kevin Roose, 16 April 2020)
  13. Twitter moment from #digiURL 2019 – Learning from Troy Hicks (@hickstro)
  14. Amazing Texts Workshop – Examining Multimedia Non-Fiction as a Mentor Text” with Troy Hicks (@hickstro)
  15. Twitter Thread: How Do You Spot a Conspiracy Theory by John Cook (@johnfocook)
  16. The Conspiracy Theory Handbook by Stephan Lewandowsky and John Cook
  17. YouTube Playlist: Wes Fryer’s Reflections on the 2019 Institute on Digital Literacy
  18. YouTube Playlist: “Media Literacy” by Wes Fryer
  19. Video: Moon Landings Faked? Filmmaker Says Not! (VideoFromSpace, 29 Jan 2013)
  20. Video: Plandemic and the seven traits of conspiratorial thinking by @johnfocook
  21. “Why We Are Polarized” by Ezra Klein (@ezraklein)
  22. Podcast Channel: Short Wave by NPR
  23. Podcast Episode: How to Correct Misinformation, According to Science (Short Wave by NPR, 22 May 2020)
  24. Book: “LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media” by PW Singer @peterwsinger and Emerson T. Brooking (@etbrooking)
  25. Book: “The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads” by Tim Woo (@superwuster)
  26. “The Attention Economy and. the Net” by Michael Goldhaber (1997, First Monday)
  27. SIFT: The Four Moves by Mike Caufield (@holden)
  28. The Digital Polarization Initiative
  29. News Literacy Project (@NewsLitProject) and on YouTube) by Peter Adams (@peterd_adams) and John Silva (@MrSilva)
  30. Mark Twain quote (but actually probably not Twain): “A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes”
  31. E.O. Wilson Quote: “The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology.”
  32. Wes’ story idea: Cognitive Dissonance with Jane Yolen’s “Encounter”
  33. Podcast: Wind of Change by @praddenkeefe
  34. Wes’ story idea: Encounters with Berlin and the Brandenburg Gate
  35. John Rawls: Veil of Ignorance (Justice)
  36. Podcast: Your Undivided Attention (@humanetech_@tristanharris@aza)
Conspiracies and Culture Wars by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Conspiracies and Culture Wars” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer