Tag: hangout
The 2015 EdTech Year in Review – Google Hangout On Air (Dec 31st)
Update Dec 31st: An audio podcast and video archive of this Google Hangout is available, including all referenced shownotes! Join Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach), Eric Langhorst (@elanghorst), Nikki D Robertson (@nikkidrobertson), and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) for a roundtable discussion via Google Hangout On-Air about some of the most important developments and news items regarding educational technology…
Podcast421: The 2014 EdTech Year in Review
This is an audio podcast version of the December 28, 2014 “2014 EdTech Year in Review” educational technology Google Hangout including Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach), Eric Langhorst (@elanghorst), and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer). Participants discussed the digital tools, trends, workflows, conferences, and interactions which stood out in 2014 for educators and media publishers/sharers, as well as some of the news stories from…
Join Our Google Hangout Today: 2014 EdTech Year in Review
It’s almost 2015, so it’s time to review the year of 2014 in educational technology! Please join Eric Langhorst (@ELanghorst), Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and I this afternoon in a 75 minute Google Hangout starting at 4 pm Eastern – 3 pm Central – 2 pm Mountain – 1 pm Pacific on Sunday, December 28th discussing…
STEMseeds is BACK on Saturday – Join us!
Join Amy Loeffelholz and Wesley Fryer on Saturday morning (Nov 22nd) for a Google Hangout conversation with Arizona science teacher Bethany Ligon, who was featured in the November 1, 2014 Classroom 2.0 Live show, “Technology Integration in Jr. High School.” Bethany has collected a variety of outstanding engineering design project lessons for her students, which she will…