Tag: podcasting

  • Dynamic Audio Waveform Videos

    Dynamic Audio Waveform Videos

    Have you seen audio podcast “highlight videos” as reels on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or other social media websites which include an audio waveform animation that is synchronized to the podcast? Today I explored a few tools, with help from ChatGPT recommendations, to create my own “dynamic audio waveform video.” Here is the 12 minute video…

  • Internet Radio Dreams

    Internet Radio Dreams

    This morning I’m dreaming of Internet Radio: My OWN Internet radio station patterned after the amazing example of ds106 Radio. Let me explain. In December 2012, I published the 3 minute photo story, “Live Internet Radio Broadcasting from a Bus.” In it, I shared “a story about webcasting a live radio show from a bus…

  • Starting an Audio Podcast (June 2023)

    I love listening to podcasts and creating podcasts! I’ve been a podcast geek since 2005, which is getting close to 20 years, and the good news is there are more outstanding podcasts to enjoy than ever before, and the steps for CREATING and SHARING your own podcast have never been easier to use. In this…

  • Fred’s Resurrected Interview

    It’s Spring Break for me this week, and I’m working on FINALLY finishing the “Pocket Share Jesus” book I’ve been working on VERY infrequently since 2010. As I was proofreading the “Audio Interviews” chapter today, I realized several audio recordings were missing from the “Family Oral History” page of our “Learning Signs” family learning blog.…

  • Rediscovering 10 Year Old Deleted Podcast Files

    Have you ever discovered an old shoebox of family photos? That experience can feel like striking gold, from the perspective of preserving precious family memories. This was my experience tonight, discovering that many (maybe all) of my iPhone audio recordings from 10+ years ago on the (now defunct / offline) website cinch.fm were backed up…

  • Share Podcast Excerpts using Audacity, iMovie and Google Slides

    Today I taught a lesson in which I shared a 4.5 minute excerpt of an amazing 55 minute NASA podcast, featuring an April 2019 interview with Dr. Harrison Schmitt, the Apollo 17 lunar module pilot and the only geologist to walk on the Moon to date! In this post, I’ll share my workflow and steps…

  • Presentation Tips and Podcast Conference Learning

    Yesterday in Oklahoma City, Storychasers hosted a 1 day conference on podcasting attended by educators and other people interested in podcasting from Oklahoma City as well as north Texas. I shared the opening keynote titled, “Who Tells Your Story,” along with two breakout session workshops on “Quick Edit Podcasting” using the Anchor mobile app, and…

  • Tutorials: Record Audio Podcasts with Voice Record Pro or Anchor

    Tomorrow I’m co-teaching with one of our high school history teachers, who is asking her students to create a colonial era podcast. Among other possibilities, students may choose to role play interviews about historical events, include sponsorships from historically appropriate businesses, and/or produce a more documentary-style audio recording. I’m excited to see the students’ creativity…

  • Using ffWorks and FFmpeg for Video Compression

    Almost every week on Wednesday nights I co-host “The EdTech Situation Room” (@edtechSR) webshow and podcast with my friend and fellow educator, Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach). My Thursday evening routine, therefore, usually includes post-production of the show so it’s shared on edtechSR.com, with both audio and video archive versions linked from Amazon S3. In this post I’ll…

  • Classroom Podcasting / Radio Shows 101 (April 2018)

    We are continuing an almost weekly “Making Media Monday” series of workshops at our school, and today we focused on creating podcasting / radio shows. I recorded a 9 minute narrated slideshow version of the introduction I shared with our teachers today, and uploaded it to YouTube. The linked slides are also included below, along…