Tag: publish
Tips for Self-Publishing Your Book (February 2019)
Today I had an opportunity to share a 41 minute presentation with Mrs. Finley’s 12th grade Creative Writing class at our school, which I called, “Book Publishing 101.” Her students have spent the past several weeks writing and creating original children’s picture books, and publishing them as eBooks as well as printed books using Book…
Comparing Risks and Benefits of a PreTeen YouTube Channel
Our daughter, Rachel, is thrilled to have hit the 400 subscriber milestone on her YouTube channel. To celebrate and thank her fans, she created a “400 Subscriber Special” video this week that features an awesome “speed draw” as well as details of a special giveaway she’s having. I’m so amazed at how her video creation skills…
Publishing Student Videos with a Shared YouTube Account
Since we returned from Christmas break I’ve been working with our 7th grade Spanish teacher to utilize the iPad app “Green Screen” by Do Ink along with a Green Screen setup for his students to record videos of short Spanish language skits they’ve written and memorized. His students have been recording different scenes and combining…
iPad Classroom Workflow: Publishing Student Videos to YouTube
It’s not the “norm” today but it should be: Every K-12 classroom teacher needs access to a YouTube channel to publish student work as well as their own videos. The past two years I’ve used a classroom YouTube channel for my elementary STEM class. Video is a very powerful medium, and Google provides teachers via…
Teaching iPad Videography From 3800 Miles Away
Friday I had an opportunity to share a videoconference about iPad Videography from my home in Oklahoma City with a group of about 15 homeschoolers in Nenana, Alaska, which is almost 4000 miles away. by Wesley Fryer It blows my mind that it’s possible to teach and share like this. I posted the recorded audio from…