Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

I officially claim this title for my first book – YET unwritten!

I’m not sure I can do this, and guess this is not likely legally binding in any way, but I would like to none-the-less formally “claim” a title for a book I want to write in the not too distant future. (Specifically, at whatever point I regain full control of my own intellectual property.) The title of the book I want to write is:

“Here for the Learning Revolution”

I wrote a post with this title on Monday, but have had this idea for a book title for several months, and ideas for this book theme for many years. (It’s hard to keep a good educational idea inside these days!) I am officially sharing this virtual claim on this book title in the hope that someone else will not seize this title and publish a book first with it. If that happens, oh well, but at least I’m making an effort to lay claim to the book title….. Note I am writing this on April 16, 2008!

For the record, I have not started writing this book and do not plan to start writing this book while I am bound by an extremely restrictive intellectual property agreement / contract. No, I do not have any job changes to announce at this point. I will note, however, that the term “corporate restructuring” has taken on a quite vivid and personal meaning for me in the past few months. I’m sure I’ll have much more to write on this theme down the road… but not today.

I AM here for the learning revolution. I’m not entirely sure what constitutes the learning revolution, but I certainly have some ideas on the subject as well as specific suggestions for how educational leaders can be constructive catalysts for the learning revolution at different levels across our nation and globe. Those will most likely be the themes of this book: Like the future, yet unwritten. It is up to us to fulfill and operationalize the Web2.0 Prophecy. It is NOT an inevitable future, it will come to pass (in varying forms) only if leaders at local, state, and national levels have the vision, courage, perseverance, and skills to tangibly advance a different vision of learning than our traditional model, so focused on CONTROL and coercion. What, exactly, constitutes this “vision of learning?”

Many voices in the blogosphere today are expressing the diverse but similar faces of the learning revolution. To hear my full articulation on this subject, however, you’ll have to wait till I write the book. 🙂

Yes, I DO plan to release a freely downloadable eBook version, but hope to earn at least a little money on a paperback version for sale as well as an audio version. But I’m getting WAY ahead of myself. The book needs to be written first. I’ve got a start though– I have a title! 🙂

Go Obama!

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8 responses to “I officially claim this title for my first book – YET unwritten!”

  1. Derek Avatar

    Just remember this Wes, there IS life after corporate restructuring. Believe me, I have recent experience in this lovely life event. 😉 And the title? Duly noted.

  2. David Truss Avatar


    Although I understand where you are coming from when you say this is not an inevitable future, I think that the Revolution has begun and that you will indeed see the traditional model crumble. I believe that we are in the Cold War era where the ‘control and coercion’ walls are up… but digital information transcends these barriers. There are too many of us that are ‘here for the learning revolution’ and so it isn’t the inevitability that is in question, but rather the speed of the transition. I’m all for a quick revolution rather than years of reform.

    Write the book! I will read it:-)

  3. Adrian Bruce Avatar

    Hey Wesley,

    In the playground in Australia if you ‘bags’ something first then it is yours no matter what! So if you ‘bags’, “Here for the Learning Revolution” then as far as this continent goes… it is yours 🙂



  4. Harold Shaw Avatar

    Wes be careful that “corporation” may own the title to your book under the intellectual property clause, now that you have used it on “their” time. 🙁 Be careful, but have some fun with it. – Harold

  5. Nate Stearns Avatar


    Write the book. I’ve always thought you had the right attitude towards technology and education. It’s hard to keep the focus on the kids and freeing their voices when you have to figure out how to make, say, Voicethread embed into a blog but you’re impressive at that. Your opinion is one that deserves a wider, non-blog audience.
