Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Create animated cartoon videos with GoAnimate #learning2cn

One team of participants in my cohort group at the Learning 2.010 conference this past weekend in Shanghai created this “Brave New Expo” animation as their final project, using the website GoAnimate. If you’re a Star Trek fan, you’re especially likely to think this is VERY clever. As a bit of related background, the World Expo is going on in Shanghai now through the end of October. (I spent about six hours there today and it WAS amazing, although I didn’t see anyone “beaming up” or down to/from an orbiting spacecraft!) Brave New Expo: 4 Final Cut by jkoenig

Like it? Create your own at It’s free and fun!

GoAnimate is similar to Xtranormal, permitting virtually anyone to create animated cartoons. The website is free to use. According to the GoAnimate About page:

We believe everyone has good stories to tell. However, for the majority of us, the tools that are available for us to express ourselves are very limited. GoAnimate is founded to provide an outlet for everyone’s creativities and ideas.

In the past, it was very difficult and time consuming to make animated cartoons. Now with GoAnimate, you can easily make animations the way your want to. There is nothing to download and there is no need to draw. You can make your own animated characters, direct your own cartoons, and watch others’ creations. It’s easy, fun and free. You can customize your animations with a large number of tools and features that allow you to create truly unique works of expression.

For more links related to our Learning 2.010 cohort’s themes, “Visual Literacy and Digital Storytelling,” check out our wiki: Talk with Media. I’m thinking we need to add a new category to our list for creative stories?

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One response to “Create animated cartoon videos with GoAnimate #learning2cn”

  1. fancynancy Avatar

    this is a really cool website! talk about getting your students excited about learning!!