Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

David Jakes on Learning Spaces (April 2016)

David Jakes (@djakes) is not only one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet, he’s also an amazingly knowledgeable and articulate educator with fantastic insights into the design and redesign of learning spaces. He recently spent two years working with The Third Teacher (@thethirdteacher) helping organizations worldwide design and redesign learning spaces, and he’s continuing work in this area as an independent edu-preneur. David was our keynote speaker yesterday at the 2016 ISAS-T Conference in Dallas, Texas, which is an event for technology directors and staff of independent schools. I documented my learning from David’s three sessions on Twitter, and this morning created a Storify archive of those tweets to both preserve and share these learning nuggets for myself and others. If you or your organization are interested in designing or re-designing learning spaces, or you are looking for a fantastic conference/event speaker on learning spaces, David Jakes is the educational consultant you need to invite over.

Wes Fryer, Vinnie Vrotney & David Jakes by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Wes Fryer, Vinnie Vrotney & David Jakes” (CC BY 2.0) by  Wesley Fryer 

Here are a few of my favorite individual resources or statements from David yesterday.




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