Tag: videography

  • AI Created Video Clips

    AI Created Video Clips

    One of the powerful ways artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms can be used by media creators is to identify short clips in longer videos which are potentially engaging for audience members, and then facilitating the process of making those clips into shorter videos that can be shared on social media. In this post I’ll highlight how…

  • Identity and Fire Cooking

    The Netflix “Chef‘s Table” BBQ documentary on (now) Australian chef Lennox Hastie, culinary artist at Firedoor Restaurant in Sydney, is an amazing celebration of both cooking creativity and the magical art as well as science of cooking with fire. The episode on Lennox is number 2 in the series: Learn more about him on his…

  • Learn From Mike Wesch How to Create Better Videos for Students

    The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed school leaders, teachers, students and parents in the United States to respond in different ways to “shelter in place / shelter at home” mandates. It has pushed many K-12 teachers into the role of “emergency remote learning” instructors, even if the courses they teach were never intended to be “online”…

  • Green Screen Videos to Share with Teachers

    Last week I led a 3 day iPad Media Camp at my school in Oklahoma City for K-12 teachers. I introduced participants to green screen videos and a production workflow including: the iPad Camera app the Green Screen app by Do Ink iMovie for iPad “iPad Media Camp 2016 OKC” (CC BY 2.0) by  Wesley Fryer  Before learning tips…

  • Video Production Class Links & Resources

    I met with our upper division (high school) video production class teacher this afternoon, and we discussed ideas for her upcoming 12 week (trimester) class. These are the links and videos I shared with her, which may be of interest to you if you’re working with students on video production! The “Show What You Know With…

  • Invite Students to Enter Clean Shorts Film Festival

    This past Thursday I had an opportunity to attend and participate in EdCampEOC, held in Choctaw, Oklahoma, about 30 minutes to the east of where we live in OKC. During and after session 2, I met Ben Hlavaty (@czeckeredpast). Ben is starting his second year as the high school Video Production & Digital Photography Instructor at Eastern Oklahoma…

  • Make Marvelous Movies by Tony Vincent

    These are my notes from Tony Vincent‘s Miami Device breakout session, “Make Marvelous Movies.” MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. All session resources are on: http://learninginhand.com/mdmovies Follow Tony Vincent on Twitter: http://twitter.com/tonyvincent TONY IS “THE CONSUMMATE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL – I LOVE LEARNING FROM HIM! I LOVED HOW HE HELPED US BOTH REMINICE…

  • Enhanced iPad Videos by Greg Kulowiec at Miami Device 2014

    These are my notes from Greg Kulowiec‘s breakout session at Miami Device on Enhanced iPad Videos on November 6, 2014. MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. Follow Greg on Twitter: http://twitter.com/gregkulowiec I’m a big fan now of students creating content for videos OFFLINE using paper and pencil – create RSA style animation videos…

  • Inspired by Ben Wilkoff’s 6 Second Stories for Learning

    This post is the first of a series of reflections on presentations I’ve watched that are part of the 2014 K-12 Online Conference. @k12online is a free, annual, pre-recorded video-based conference by educators, for educators. This year the conference strands were STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math),  Stories for Learning, Passion Driven Learning, and Gamification. I’ve…

  • Teaching iPad Videography From 3800 Miles Away

    Friday I had an opportunity to share a videoconference about iPad Videography from my home in Oklahoma City with a group of about 15 homeschoolers in Nenana, Alaska, which is almost 4000 miles away.    by  Wesley Fryer  It blows my mind that it’s possible to teach and share like this. I posted the recorded audio from…