Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Reflections on ISTE 2015 by Shelly and Wesley Fryer

This is a 22 minute video reflection by Shelly Fryer (@sfryer) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) about the 2015 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference in Philadelphia. Check the shownotes below for links to resources, apps, and websites we mentioned during this conversation. This will be converted into an audio podcast later too!


  1. Lexia Reading Core5 (@lexialearning)
  2. MyOn Reader (@myonreader)
  3. Spelling City (@spellingcity)
  4. Osmo (@playosmo)
  5. PBS Learning Media (@pbslrnmedia)
  6. Shelly’s workshop: PBS Learning Media 101
  7. FlipBoard (@flipboard)
  8. Wes’ iReading FlipBoard Magazine
  9. Create your own embeddable widgets for Flipboard magazines:
  10. Philadelphia Youth Poetry Movement (PYPM2015 on YouTube)
  11. PYPM Brave New Voices Gofundme by Matthew Kay (@MattRKay)
  12. Visual Notetaking Resources
  13. Google Announcements at ISTE 2015 (Official GoogleEDU blog: “New Ways to Integrate with Google Classroom”)
  14. SeeSaw (free digital portfolio platform)
  15. All of Wes’ Tweets from ISTE 2015
  16. Shelly Fryer on Twitter: @sfryer
  17. Shelly’s blog:
  18. Wesley Fryer on Twitter: @wfryer
  19. Wesley’s blog:

Selected tweets from #iste2015:

* Full Disclosure: ISTE provided me with a free “media pass” as an educational blogger this year. I am sharing multiple interviews like this from Philadelphia as an official conference Storychaser.
