Category: podcasting
Media Dominoes Fall
In tonight’s EdTech Situation Room webshow and podcast, I shared Storyblocks as my “Geek of the Week.” It is an amazing virtual media library for videographers, storytellers, and Storychasers. The Storyblocks website explains: Unlock access to our library of over a million royalty-free footage, template, music, and photo assets as well as an easy-to-use video…
10 Favorite Podcasts (December 2021)
It’s Christmas Day and 2021 is rapidly drawing to a close, so I’m doing a bit of reflecting on the past year as we look forward to 2022. In this post, I’ll share 10 of my favorite podcasts, which I’ve listened to often in 2021. I LOVE both listening to and creating podcasts, and continue…
Sharing Audio From Videos During a Videoconference
If you’re finding yourself teaching and learning in videoconferences these days (and with the COVID-19 pandemic closing schools worldwide and moving many schools online, like ours, that’s most of us in education) it can be very helpful to be able to play live video WITH NATIVE / line feed audio from YouTube or other sites…
Who Tells Your Story? Podcasting Conference: Saturday, September 14, 2019 in Oklahoma City
Two weeks from today on Saturday, September 14, 2019, Storychasers will host a 1 day conference in Oklahoma City focused on podcasting. I’ll be sharing the opening keynote, inspired by the musical “Hamilton,” titled, “Who Tells Your Story?” Registration is just $25 via EventBrite, and includes both lunch and a tshirt. What deal! Right now…
Using ffWorks and FFmpeg for Video Compression
Almost every week on Wednesday nights I co-host “The EdTech Situation Room” (@edtechSR) webshow and podcast with my friend and fellow educator, Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach). My Thursday evening routine, therefore, usually includes post-production of the show so it’s shared on, with both audio and video archive versions linked from Amazon S3. In this post I’ll…