Tag: app
Podcast441: iPads in Maker Studio by Shelly Fryer (May 2016)
This podcast is a recording of Shelly Fryer’s presentation “iPads in Maker Studio” via a Google Hangout for the 2016 Global Maker Day Conference. The session description was: “Learn how our third and fourth grade students use their iPads in our maker studio to document their learning and share both inside and outside our classroom.…
Backyard Astronomy Laser and iPhone App
This evening I ordered the “Z-Bolt Extreme Temp Green Laser (14° ~122°F – Constant On/Off)” online for $108. I based this purchase primarily off this 2006 review of another Z-Bolt astronomy laser, the recent article for Sky and Telescope, “Some Pointers on Using Laser Pointers,” and some other online reviews which recommended getting a laser which works in…
iPad App Smashing Green Screen Videos from YouTube
Last night my wife threw down the “geek glove,” asking me if her students could import green screen videos from YouTube on their iPads and then overlay/combine their own green screen videos with them using the “Green Screen” app by Do Ink. Her students have been creating some Star Wars themed green screen movies in…
Pushing Free and Paid iPad Apps using Meraki MDM
Since I became the director of technology for Casady School in Oklahoma City this past July, I’ve learned how to configure our Meraki MDM (Mobile Device Manager) to “push” both free and paid apps onto the iPads in our upper division (high school) library and middle division / lower division (grades 1-8) library. Apple specifies…
Interactive App and Software Options for Human Anatomy Classes
One of the science teachers at my school recently asked me to do some research on available apps as well as hardware/software options for interactively demonstrating and teaching human anatomy to students. Here’s what I emailed him tonight: I’ve done some research about app options for human anatomy / dissection and this is what I’ve…