Tag: ios
Make Marvelous Movies by Tony Vincent
These are my notes from Tony Vincent‘s Miami Device breakout session, “Make Marvelous Movies.” MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. All session resources are on: http://learninginhand.com/mdmovies Follow Tony Vincent on Twitter: http://twitter.com/tonyvincent TONY IS “THE CONSUMMATE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL – I LOVE LEARNING FROM HIM! I LOVED HOW HE HELPED US BOTH REMINICE…
The iPad Mobile Manager Saved My Life Today
I admit the title of this post is a BIG exaggeration, but given the lack of time I have to reformat and reinstall all the apps on an iPad in my STEM class, it feels close to the truth! Today during one of my morning classes, an unknown student put a passcode on one of…
Create an iOS iMovie Video Collage with YouTube Contributions
I’m almost finished with my pre-conference keynote video for the 2014 K-12 Online Conference, which kicks off on October 14th. I’ve used my iPhone for all the video clips, but I’m also including several videos from other people I’ve asked to contribute ideas. I’m THRILLED this is working as I hoped it would. Here is…
Learn About Lightspeed Mobile Manager
Our school district is using the Lightspeed Mobile Manager for ALL our iPads this year. Previously I synced my iPads in my STEM classroom cart to a Macbook laptop and didn’t use a mobile manager. Here are a couple of links our IT department provided, which I’m going to use to learn more about using…
iBooks Not Working on Jailbroken iPhones: Here’s the Fix
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. If you have a jailbroken iPhone or other iOS device, you may have noticed the iBooks application was “broken” with the latest 5.0.1 jailbreak software. Other bloggers have noted this isn’t new: Apple intentionally broke iBooks for jailbreakers using the 4.2.1 exploit in 2011. Before you say,…
Podcast387: TechShoppingCart Episode 11 – Christmas 2011 Apps and Gadgets
The Technology Shopping Cart podcast has been digitally resurrected after a 3 year hiatus of podfading! In this recorded call from December 23, 2011, Alice Barr, Karen Montgomery, and Wesley Fryer discussed a variety of iOS applications and technology gadgets on our wish lists for Christmas 2011. Refer to the podcast shownotes for links to…
iPad2 Mobile Interview with iRig Microphone
Today I had an opportunity to interview a Lego expert in Chicago about an iPhone application (Mini Collector) which can be used to determine the contents of series 1 and 2 Lego minifigure packages. My wife graciously recorded the following two minute interview on my iPad2, using an iRig external microphone. ($60) I am very…
iOS Apps for Productivity and Fun: The List!
In preparation for next week’s face-to-face and online workshop on December 29th, “iOS Apps for Productivity and Fun (iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch)” I’ve created an accompanying handout which includes categorized lists of applications we’ll be sharing. I say “we” because my kids have agreed to assist me as workshop facilitators! These apps, linked to…
Going Mobile with Digital Storytelling
The past few weeks I’ve been working with 5th grade students at our church to create digital stories which connect to our lesson themes. I have done this with students in the past, but this is the first time I’ve done a digital storytelling activity with students exclusively using mobile devices. It has been transformational…
Platform agnostic developers will help redefine print and literacy
Great quotation from yesterday’s Mashable article, “The Reinvention of Print, One App at a Time.” The final advantage is that because the app is built on an HTML5 base, the process of taking the app from the iPad to another platform is going to be less complicated. Portability and platform agnosticism is going to become…