Tag: creativity

  • iPad Musical Creativity Apps

    Today at the OTA / EncycloMedia 2016 Conference in Oklahoma City, keynote speaker Shannon M. Miller (@shannonmmiller) shared a wealth of apps, websites, and project ideas in her breakout session, “Igniting Innovation and Creativity in Our Makerspaces With Digital Tools and Apps.” One of the apps she shared is “MusiQuest – Music & Beat Maker.”…

  • MinecraftEDU House Spanish Labeling Challenge

    Today I co-taught a lesson with one of our middle school Spanish teachers called the “MinecraftEDU House Spanish Labeling Challenge.” Students worked with a partner to build a house in MinecraftEDU, and then labeled items in Spanish using Minecraft signs. To keep the focus on building and labeling items in Spanish, students worked in a pre-configured MinecraftEDU world which…

  • Presentations on Creativity, 3D Printing, Digital Sharing and More

    Friday I had an opportunity to attend and present at the OMLEA Conference for Middle Level educators and administrators, sponsored by CCOSA and held a the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The best part of the day was having the chance to co-present with two of the teachers from my school, Casady School in Oklahoma…

  • Classroom Creativity: The Longer Path to Success

    Today our school hosted a “Conference on Education” led and facilitated primarily by our own faculty. In addition to providing AV support for the keynote and breakout sessions, I co-presented a session with Megan Thompson, our lower school art teacher. The title of our session was, “Classroom Creativity: The Longer Path to Success.” Megan and I…

  • Triple Threat in Tech: A Reflection

    Last week I wrote the post, “MakerSpace Resources & Ideas for Digital Music Creation,” and recommended the 2013 K-12 Online Conference presentation, “T3:Triple Threat in Tech: Art, Music, and Media” by Carol Broos (@carolbroos). Although I know Carol and the amazing teacher she interviewed at the start of this video, Tricia Fugelstad (@fuglefun), I had never watched this…

  • MakerSpace Resources & Ideas for Digital Music Creation

    I received an email recently from a teacher asking about resources to use in a school MakerSpace to integrate music and digital musical creation. This is what I suggested. If you have other thoughts, resources or links, please share them as a comment or a reply to @wfryer on Twitter! Here are some resources for…

  • Great Class Castle Build in MinecraftEDU

    This afternoon after school we had our first meeting of “Makers Club” at our school for the semester. Generally we learn something new together and then students break up to work on different projects in our STEM classroom “Maker Studio.” Today, however, we opted to build a 64 x 64 block castle together (or at…

  • Cool iPad Art & STEAM Apps & Hacks

    Wednesday after school I shared a few different iPad apps and a great STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) drawing device with our art teacher at school whose classroom is just down the hall from me. Here’s the list of links I sent her afterward as a follow-up, along with a few other videos and…

  • Sock Drawer Puppets: An Interview with Ashli Shockley

    Today our family visited the Farmer’s Market in Manhattan, Kansas. I was very interested to visit with Ashli Shockley, the creator of Sock Drawer Puppets. I’m a big fan of students using puppets to create puppet videos, and I’ve included puppet videos as a media product in the Mapping Media to the Curriculum digital literacy framework. I…

  • Creativity, Connectedness and the Adjacent Possible

    One of my favorite quotations is by Steven Johnson, who asserts that “Chance favors the connected mind.” Who we associate with, the environments in which we live and work, and the historical context in which we live have a profound impact on our creativity and the ideas to which we are exposed and develop. In…