Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Comparing options for free audio recording directly to the web: iPadio and Voisse

iPadio is currently my favorite website and mobile application to use to directly record audio and post it to the web. After you record to iPadio using the iPhone or Android application or any type of phone, recorded files can be downloaded from the web as mp3 files or embedded in a provided flash player on your own blog or wiki site. iPadio is FREE. The following is an 11.5 minute recording from a multimedia workshop at OU this past summer, when participants reflected on “Stories We Wish We Had Recorded.” This demonstrated the potential use of audio recording options like iPadio to readily record as well as share audio online.

Voisse is another free website offering direct audio recording-to-web features. This two minute video provides an overview. Note Voisee permits BOTH web-based audio recording as well as phone-based recording, or phonecasting. iPadio permits phonecasting and uploading of previously recorded audio, but does NOT permit direct web audio recording.

Voisse Overview from Voisse on Vimeo.

Voisse’s web-based audio recorder not only lets you record DIRECTLY to the web, it also includes a simple timeline editor. With it, you can trim unwanted audio from the front or end of an audio recording. This is fantastic, since you do NOT have to use client-based software (like Audacity or Garageband) for this kind of simple audio clean-up. Voisse is also unique and different from iPadio since it permits users to connect a PHOTO to each recording. This two minute video shows how.

Voisse recorder overview from Voisse on Vimeo.

Voisse has a free option as well as two paid plan options, which permit the creation of both podcasts and slideshows. This is a sample Voisse recording with a photo, describing the newest Apple Store in Shanghai, China, located just across from the Pearl Tower in Pudong which I visited Tuesday night this week.

I created the following comparative chart to illustrate the functional similarities and differences (as of this writing, 23 September 2010) between iPadio and Voisse:

Comparing iPadio and Voisse

On the subject of the Apple Store in Shanghai, here’s a 48 second video I recorded in front of it on Tuesday night, just before going in:

A few more photos and videos of my visit to the Shanghai Apple Store are available in my Shanghai Expo Day 2 Flickr Set, which is part of my China September 2010 Flickr collection.


In addition to iPadio and Voisee, are you aware of and/or using other FREE direct-to-web recording websites?

H/T to Miguel Guhlin for sharing Voisee.



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6 responses to “Comparing options for free audio recording directly to the web: iPadio and Voisse”

  1. Laura Gibbs Avatar

    You can add images to ipadio also – just click on the “edit” option and it lets you add up to four images for any of your ipadio casts. I’ve been using that to include an illustrations for each of my little Latin fable casts. I love this tool! I also really like the intergration both with Twitter and with Here’s where I have my ipadios pop up in my blog, and each of them has its own image as you can see here:

  2. Dr Mark K. Smith Avatar

    Hi Wesley (Mark from ipadio here), we are about to launch a new HD Voice product which breaks the barriers between phonecasting (phone quality) and ‘record and publish’ which is high quality. Using a form of Voip this service will be either from app’d up android or iphones and also from PC – so allowing high quality live streaming. We’re doing final testing on this and hope to launch in the next few days. We do have commercial plans but never for consumers – we make our money in corporate comms and finally we also have an inline editor going thorugh development so we can edit audio files after posting. Though we do already have the ability to pre and append precorded MP3’s to sandwich a broadcast with a jingle/’brought to you by’ type message. That is an additional service beyond the (probably always) free consumer product. Thanks for the review by the way and all your great usage, feedback always most welcome, cheers M PS e-mail me if you want to know more about the HD Voice work –

  3. Wes Warner Avatar
    Wes Warner

    Hi Wes,

    These are great. I have been using AudioBoo (free app for iPhone – not sure about android) and it allows you to geotag your interview and it is added to iTunes where people can subscribe to it.

  4. @Dreambition Avatar


    I had the pleasure of using iPadio for the first time with my 4th grade students as we took a field trip to our Michigan state capitol. I loved the integration with an RSS feed into our blog as well as auto-posting to Twitter. Parents were able to check in on the blog throughout the day and heard our short updates as phone blogs. I had the speech-to-text enabled, but the computer misspelled many names and the student voices were not quite clear enough for that. Being able to go back and edit the transcript was nice, but I don’t know that for longer posts I will use it. Thanks for sharing your experiences, the comparison chart is helpful.
    Our class blog is

  5. AllanahK Avatar

    I have only just got an iPhone so I am at the very beginning in learning how to use mobile apps but my favourite quick and easy internet web recorder is Audiopal

    You can record from your phone but you have to be American or Canadian to do that. You can record directly from your computer mike or upload a file you have pre-recorded. Audio Pal then send you an email with the code for the widget to embed.

    I like it particularly for newbies as it is so straightforward.

    Here’s a fairly recent example.

  6. Shane Grundy Avatar
    Shane Grundy

    Personally I like to use’s myna app. It’s like using an online version of audacity, complete with it’s own royalty free loops and sound effects! I use it with my visual media class all the time to create free (and legal) soundtracks for our projects, or podcasts in my LA and Social Studies courses. Aviary is really worth a look, and will import it’s files directly into google apps as well.