Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast397: Takeaways from and Reflections on the 2012 EDUCAUSE Conference

This is a “podcast from the road” by Wesley Fryer reflecting on the 2012 EDUCAUSE conference. In the podcast Wesley discusses learning management systems including the free/beta LMS OpenClass from Pearson, Kuali open source solutions for higher education, badge-based learning initiatives and tools, open journals / open academic publishing, Wolfram Alpha, MOOCs and native mobile apps vs mobile websites. Check out the podcast shownotes for referenced links / resources.

Show Notes:

  1. Session Notes Index for EDUCAUSE 2012 (by Wesley Fryer)
  2. Official archived session videos from EDUCAUSE 2012
  3. iThemes Education Program (iThemes sent me to EDUCAUSE this year to ‘blog the conference’ on their education blog)
  4. Openclass Learning Management System (free in beta from Pearson for higher education instructors)
  5. Habitable Worlds (amazing course from ASU science professors built in Openclass)
  6. Learning Management Systems (WikiPedia)
  7. If Not Now, When? Challenges Facing American Education – Pearson VP preso mainly about OpenClass (session notes)
  8. Kuali Open Source Software for Higher Education
  9. Kuali OLE: Collaboration & Community-Sourced Library Management (session notes)
  10. Sakai Project (open source enterprise LMS)
  11. Moodle (open source LMS)
  12. EDUCAUSE/ELI Badging Focus Group (session notes)
  13. Badges and Learning by LearningTimes
  14. Badgestack
  15. Badges For Learning: An Abridged Recent History
  16. Six Ways to Look at Badging Systems Designed for Learning
  17. Mozilla Explaining OBI (Open Badging Initiative)
  18. Mozilla Open Badging
  19. Badge Based Learning: Passport at Purdue University
  20. IFTTT
  21. Studio at Purdue University
  22. IT as a Core Academic Competence: Clay Shirky at EduCause 2012 (session notes)
  23. Academic Journal Paywalls are Educationally Counter-Productive and WRONG (post)
  24. Using the Daum Equation Editor to Format Math Equations for Wolfram Alpha (post and screencast)
  25. “Here Comes Everybody” by Clay Shirky
  26. MOOCs: The Coming Revolution?  (session notes)
  27. Coursera
  28. Teaching in an Age of Plenty by Wolfram-Alpha Co-Founder Theodore Gray  (session notes – archived session video also available)
  29. Wolfram Alpha
  30. Make Meaning with Wolfram Alpha by Jane Krauss (2012 K-12 Online Conference Preso)
  31. Beyond E-Books: Right Sized Content for Learning Anywhere (session notes)
  32. Mobile Apps & Curriculum for Your Class (session/workshop curriculum)
  33. Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing (eBook)
  34. Follow Wesley on Twitter: @wfryer
  35. Movie clip audio credit: Joe Versus the Volcano (steamer trunk scene)

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